Hi there! I'm a math educator passionate about breaking down barriers for families to access quality education and resources. I have spent the past few years teaching math in Brooklyn and Philadelphia, and recently transferred to the non-profit sector. I adore playing pickleball, going on hikes, exploring new outdoor markets, and attempting to bake. I have two brothers - both who live in New Jersey, and as a result of that, I am now an avid gamer. I live in Philadelphia, however I frequently visit New Jersey where my family is, and New York ,where a good chunk of my friends are, so I love to travel. In a partner, I value honest communication, spontaneity, and comfort in the silent moments. I would love to go on little adventures with my partner - whether its a walk to a new coffee shop, visiting a new place in the city, or taking a day trip somewhere. I enjoy learning about Sikhi through conversations with my family, Gurdwara visits, and learning about Sikh history, and would treasure... more a partner who wants to grow in Sikhi together. I am family oriented, and definitely want to raise a family based in progressive, Sikh values.
lifestyle & appearance
Doesn't Drink
Doesn't Smoke
Sikh, Punjabi
Is a Keshdhari Sikh
Keshdharies are Sikhs who do not trim or remove hair, as they believe in maintaining a natural way of life.