My nam is Name Visible on Login, and my full nam is Amanprt kaur. I com from an Army background; my fathr srvd in th army and rtird as a captain, whil my mothr is a hommakr. My brothr is in th air forc, and my sistr-in-law holds a mastrs dgr in commrc and has also studid fashion. I hav a 7-month-old nic who brings joy to our family. I compltd my bachlor s dgr in mchanical nginring and thn pursud my mastr s dgr in th unitd kingdom. Currntly, i work as an IT support nginr at lotus cars in th uk. I considr myslf a fr spirit and hav a dp rvrnc for god in my lif. With a charming prsonality and a nvr-giv-up attitud, i striv to shin in vrything i do. I am looking for a gentle soul who will love and cherish me unconditionally. Thank you
lifestyle & appearance
Doesn't Drink
Doesn't Smoke
Sikh, Punjabi
Lives in Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom (Work Permit)