Hello, here is a little bit about my sister.
She has completed her High school. With hard work and determination in achieving her goals, she has built a successful career. We would prefer a qualified professional with a promising career.
lifestyle & appearance
Doesn't Drink
Doesn't Smoke
Sikh, Kashmiri
Lives in Bathinda, Punjab, India (Citizen)
Grew up in India
Education & career
High school - Non-Graduate
Human Resources Professional with a private company
Country Living inIndia, Canada, Australia, Fiji Islands, New Zealand... more, United Kingdom, USA
Annual IncomeINR 4 lakhs to 1 crore, GBP less than 20,000 to greater than 300... more, 000, AUD less than 40,000 to greater than 500,000, USD less than 40,000 to greater than 500,000
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