Hello, I'm her eldest sister (we're four btw) and here is a little bit about my youngest sister.
She's been pursuing PhD (sociology). Her optimistic personality is adored by one and all. Her interactive skills depend on the person's behaviour. She's vocal and understanding. She doesn't approve SMALL TALKS at all! She's cultivated the philosophy that by the time we're ready to get married, we understand ourselves completely, including our nature, likings/dislikings, life choice and many other factors about life. So plz don't drop your interest out of curiosity to know about the person temporarily, unless,
You're seriously looking for a match.
If you're not judgmental, and hold the basic decency of being human, irrespective of the outer appearance, feel free to drop your interest here. And yes, don't get fooled by her photo, she's bit photogenic :-D
Also, she has two dogs, a beagle and a retriever, which she would want to be very much with her post marriage
... more too.
The contact no. that's mentioned here, is hers! So keep that in mind while contacting. She's totally not up for wasting time of either parties.
In case you would like to know more about her, please leave a message