I am posting this profile on behallf of my son Name Visible on Login. Name Visible on Login is fully engaged with his career working for the Uk home office. He has a background in finance having completed his accountancy qualifications.
We are a professional gursikh family based in a nice suburb of the West Midlands. Name Visible on Login is the non identical twin of two brothers.
They both have one younger brother. A total of three brothers form the core of our nuclear family.
Indeed Name Visible on Logins twin brother Manpreet was married this year to a gursikh architect.
We are looking for gurikh amritdhari match for Name Visible on Login. We wish everyone good luck in their search
lifestyle & appearance
Sikh, Punjabi
Wears a Pagg/Dastar (turban)
The Sikh turban, more appropriately known as a dastar is an article of faith worn by Sikhs.
He has a high family background with traditional values. Both his father and mother are working professionals. He has 3 brothers out of which 1 is married.
Education & career
CA / CPA - Finance / Commerce
Finance / Commerce
Consultant / Supervisor / Team Leads in government/public sector